Octagon Series – colour (Hazel Polished)
Octagon casket were introduce in the early 1980s to Singapore, it symbolisze the “Eight Symbols” 八卦 in chinese feng shui culture
It can also be known as Eight Nature – Heaven(乾), Earth(坤), Water(坎), Fire(离), Wind(巽), Thunder(震), Mountain(艮) and Lake(兌)
Eight Directions – north, south, east, west….. Eight Seasons – spring, summer, autum, winter….. Family and individual Personality
Each trigram has a polar opposite on the bagua octogan, this is designed to maintain the proper balance of yin yang energy.
Octagon is most commonly seen as symbol of protection to ward off negative energy and rebirth in represent the fundamental principles of reality in taoism.
Hazel is consider as a traditional color, commonly use with roses, lotus and “福寿” ornaments in associate with Taoist funeral in Singapore.
At A.lifegrad our experience Funeral Advisor will provide you with the most appropriate advice on funeral aspects 24/7
We collabarate with reknown casket supplier in the industry to provide the best quality “final resting place” for your loved ones
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